Sunday, September 25, 2005 got left.

While driving this evening with my kids, my sister and her two kids we got on the subject of getting lost. I told a few stories about when I got lost when I was younger and so did each of the kids. My oldest daughter had just finished telling about the time her mother had forgotten her at a soccer game a few years back. Then my younger daughter started to tell about the time she got lost at the zoo. My oldest interrupted, “Oh, the time when they mistook you for a monkey and put you in the monkey cage?”

We all laughed at that because she was a hairy baby and I called her a monkey. Plus she is a natural gymnast and can climb anything. She got her sister back though, “I got lost, you got left behind.”

Was that a short weekend or what?


Friday, September 23, 2005

Airlines vs. My Life

Why at any given time my life is disturbingly similar to that of any given major airline:

• The cost of fuel is steadily rising and your “vehicle” has a large appetite.
• Despite making every effort to keep a tight schedule there is always one or two passengers that will hold your trip up and make you late. (The fact that mine are usually under the age of 13 is of no significant consequence.)
• Even when the weather is good, it seems that there is always a bit of turbulence.
• When things aren’t so good, please place your head between your knees and brace for impact, it can get kind of rough around here at times.
• When you get everyone from point A to point B without incident, on-time, and safely, all they notice is the lack of quality snacks, the high price of beverages and lost luggage. (I offer breakfast before school, they always want to stop for something to drink, and someone always forgets a backpack, folder, shoes, jacket…)
• When you are late, even the airport or connecting airline (or school administrator) won't acknowledge that the traffic was out of your control.
• You are always just a few flights short of declaring bankruptcy…


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Nothing New Here

Almost a week later but I’m back. Well, I’m still here. I never really went anywhere I just haven’t been updating at all.

But just ask me what THC is? No. Not that one, I meant Thermohaline Circulation of course. And what about anthropogenic forcing? Yes, that is the sort of thing I’ve been concerned with lately. That and oh … I don’t know, 28 lunches a week, all sorts of homework assistance that isn’t even mine, ailing grandparents, and there is something else I’m pretty sure… Oh yes, my job. Almost forgot about that one.

After purchasing a BIOS upgrade, new hard drive, and spending a lot of rather precious free time working on my old PC, it’s still not working. Hmm. It’s probably just me. The error messages are approaching ludicrous. I really don’t want to have to solicit professional (paid) help. Remember in the movie Office Space, where they take the copy machine into the empty lot? That’s where my old PC and I are headed next…

And to end things on a lighter note, excerpts from a phone call I had this evening:

Me: “Hello?”
My Ex-wife’s Boyfriend From Jail Pay Phone: “Do you know where (ex-wife) has been?”
Me: “She told me she was going to the hospital yesterday and that’s the last I’ve heard from her.”
MEXBFJPP: “Oh, I was worried about her. She’s been visiting twice every week and then lately nothing. She sent me a card for my birthday (he really sounded touched) but I haven’t seen her this week.”
Me: “Well, I think she is in the hospital. She didn’t tell me this was going to be an extended stay but I guess it is.”
MEXBFPP: “Okay, I was just wondering….” And then he goes off to explain all about why he was in jail again, and how he screwed up, and how much he appreciated my help, and that was the gist of it.

Yup, things are pretty much normal around here. I hope you all are doing okay too.


Friday, September 16, 2005

And Cue the Weekend...

It’s finally Friday night. I have the kids tonight unlike the last several Friday evenings. My ex has been having them stay over and even been hanging out with them for a while on Saturday's too. Definitely a new one for them and me. I haven’t been out for beer or anything, I’ve just been going home and enjoying what little alone time my insane animals will allow me. I can throw a cat (literally) out of my room and feel somewhat satisfied afterwards. It’s not that I wouldn’t actually toss one of my children out of my room it’s that they would enjoy it. Then they would want to do it over and over again...

You know what? I just don’t have all that much to say. I’m not even sure what that says about my life, but something I’m sure. Things aren’t bad, busy of course, but I’m focused on staying on top of things, I’m not letting the usual chaos get to me and well… I guess that’s about it.

Have a good weekend everyone. I’ll try too also.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Can You Read Me Now?

So who is this Fej guy anyway? Oh yes, that would be me. When I used to have a blog.

What a slacker am I. I actually read a few blogs last night. I’m still trying to find and re-save all of the other blogs I used to read regularly. Most are linked on mine but some were not.

I believe that flashing my BIOS with an updated version will get my old PC back up. Then I can hopefully access and grab a few of the things I didn’t back up prior to the crash.

My laptop is working out nicely. I went “wireless” for the first time this afternoon at school. That was pretty cool. What wasn’t so cool was the stupid Windows startup chime blaring full blast in the big hall of the library while my computer booted up. Whoops. Now I know where the mute button is though…

School is kicking my butt but I’m enjoying it. Dropping down to one class was a good idea as I feel I can concentrate on one subject much more easily. The rest of my life outside of school won’t slow down so I believe it was a wise decision.

I received two court notices this afternoon saying that I needed to address some Parking Warrants. For $120. In my name but from the license plate of my car that I don’t drive. Lovely. Even divorce won't remove me from that stupid car.


Saturday, September 10, 2005

Back Online

Well, I have been unable to get my old PC going as of yet but I won't give up yet. So I bought a new one. I decided to go for a lap top this time, we'll see how that works. I am loading software and screwing around in general but I'll hopefully be surfing a bit later tonight.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005


When does the average person really need a computer? I mean really need one? For most of us I suppose when not at work we really don’t need one. At least I don’t. I spend a great deal of time using mine but I rarely actually need it. Well, until yesterday afternoon. I had to email an assignment to my professor by 5:00 PM. At this point I believe it is my hard drive that has failed.

I rushed to my parent’s house and hastily wrote something up just in time. So, I’m shopping for a new computer and I still need to fix my old one as well. Not that I’ve been all that active in the blogoshpere lately anyhow, I’ll be even less active until I’m back up and running at home.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Back To Reality?

Again, we were in Colorado last weekend. It was a very short but much needed break. I didn’t even know that Renquist had passed until this evening and I consider myself rather up-to-date when it comes to things like that. I suppose that is a prime example of why I love vacationing up there so much also.

It was eight children to five adults. See, it runs in my family… I only brought four of the kids and they were the easier of the bunch I might add. We also brought up five bikes, new helmets (with face protection and goggles) and the rest of the crap we somehow fill my giantic vehicle with. The bikes were a nice addition and I rode long enough to realize that: 1: while I might be quite the sprinter, I’m most definitely not in shape for bike riding. 2: My bike is a piece of crap. 3: You don’t fully realize the need for shocks on a Mountain bike until you actually take it to the mountains.

There were no significant injuries among the children and all the ATV/Motorcycle/Bicycle/River rafting/and general chaos that ensued. The one kid, affectionately nicknamed “Dying Squirrel” by his sister, did have a few spills but after you get to know this kid… you kind of know why.

And, I have to go back in a week or two again. My grandfather now feels that I’m about the only one capable of closing up the cabin for the winter. While this is certainly not true, it is a rather complimentary title to hold. I get an excuse to go back up there but I lose another precious weekend at home as well. No biggie I suppose.


Friday, September 02, 2005

Desperate Situation

Thursday, September 01, 2005


It’s one of those nights. The kids are in bed and I’m up too late.

There are plenty of things going on in the world to make me appreciate the good fortune in my life. Yet, as if a blatant reminder to the futility of the things I do and the results I subsequently achieve, I can’t get on the Red Cross site to donate tonight. Odd. If for once in my life I wanted to pay a bill or two on the day it was actually due, I’m sure I could get on just fine. But, I wouldn’t try that hard since that is a rather petty thing to do. Now that I can afford to do so, I still hold out a couple days… just to keep them on their guard.

But, after seeing all the pictures, the chaos, and realizing that this won’t be a short-term disaster, I only wish I could do more. I’d drive my gas guzzling SUV down there tonight and pick up 12 or 15 people at a time depending on how many could squeeze in the back but then again that is not… realistic. I have obligations here that prevent me from leaving and even if I didn’t, they need buses, not Suburban’s.

Empathy is a cruel trait to posses, especially with limited means and excessive obligations.
