Wednesday, September 07, 2005


When does the average person really need a computer? I mean really need one? For most of us I suppose when not at work we really don’t need one. At least I don’t. I spend a great deal of time using mine but I rarely actually need it. Well, until yesterday afternoon. I had to email an assignment to my professor by 5:00 PM. At this point I believe it is my hard drive that has failed.

I rushed to my parent’s house and hastily wrote something up just in time. So, I’m shopping for a new computer and I still need to fix my old one as well. Not that I’ve been all that active in the blogoshpere lately anyhow, I’ll be even less active until I’m back up and running at home.



Blogger ro said...

:-( will miss ya!

5:42 PM  
Blogger Shane said...

Thats a bad one, I am always waiting myself for "the big one" to hit my computer hard drive...

9:50 PM  
Blogger Christie E. Little said...

I'm glad to you see back. I hope you're ok and getting a computer soon.

9:54 PM  
Blogger Evan said...

You want a Mac.

2:45 AM  
Blogger cmhl said...

ohhhhh, hard drive problems are the devil. no good. I have a desktop that is locked up tighter than a tick at home, and I just haven't taken it in to get fixed. I bought a new laptop instead. hahaha.

hopefully it isn't as big of a problem as you think..

7:45 AM  

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