Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Can You Read Me Now?

So who is this Fej guy anyway? Oh yes, that would be me. When I used to have a blog.

What a slacker am I. I actually read a few blogs last night. I’m still trying to find and re-save all of the other blogs I used to read regularly. Most are linked on mine but some were not.

I believe that flashing my BIOS with an updated version will get my old PC back up. Then I can hopefully access and grab a few of the things I didn’t back up prior to the crash.

My laptop is working out nicely. I went “wireless” for the first time this afternoon at school. That was pretty cool. What wasn’t so cool was the stupid Windows startup chime blaring full blast in the big hall of the library while my computer booted up. Whoops. Now I know where the mute button is though…

School is kicking my butt but I’m enjoying it. Dropping down to one class was a good idea as I feel I can concentrate on one subject much more easily. The rest of my life outside of school won’t slow down so I believe it was a wise decision.

I received two court notices this afternoon saying that I needed to address some Parking Warrants. For $120. In my name but from the license plate of my car that I don’t drive. Lovely. Even divorce won't remove me from that stupid car.



Blogger Faisal ... said...

Dear old Windows and the crazy traffic wardens.

5:42 AM  
Blogger Chip said...

man that is trauma! Hope it works out.

By the way I always wonder how you pronounce Fej??

7:35 AM  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

good to hear the school thing's agreeing with you... we all need a bit of intellectual stimuation at times... hmmm, the eternal battle between "wireless" and "clueless"... tell me about it, been there, done that...

2:55 PM  
Blogger Whisper said...

Sucks about the car, but things do tend to always come back, one way or another. Oh, and at least you now know the location of your mute button. ^^

4:23 PM  
Blogger Christie E. Little said...

I'm so glad you're back!

9:23 PM  
Blogger Fej said...

Pixie, I'm glad you stopped by, I will try to get my old one up this weekend. If I don't succeed that's okay, I won't lose too much.

Faisal, Windows and I don't get a long, nor do my ex and parking attendants. Either way, I still pay the price...

Chip, Fej is just fej. It was from long ago, when I (dare I say) had an AOL account and Fej was really just Jeff backwards and a bunch of other cryptic characters to get an identity. Now it's just Fej.

Bart, School is keeping me on the straight and narrow which means... less blogging.

Solin, Had I only realized how loud my speakers were set too prior to entering the library. It was really really loud.

C, I'm glad to be back too. I'm also glad you missed me. Note to self: now is a good time to reinstall chat...(again)

11:32 PM  
Blogger cmhl said...

glad you're back.. and that is a bummer about the parking tickets. not that I woudl know or anything. there are certain college campus that I do not frequent for that very reason. ha.

9:03 AM  

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