Saturday, September 10, 2005

Back Online

Well, I have been unable to get my old PC going as of yet but I won't give up yet. So I bought a new one. I decided to go for a lap top this time, we'll see how that works. I am loading software and screwing around in general but I'll hopefully be surfing a bit later tonight.



Blogger Christie E. Little said...

Ok..well it's about time! :)

7:55 AM  
Blogger Mama Duck said...

Welcome back! I bithced about getting a laptop at the time, but I LOVE it now. It' especially great if you plan on installing a wireless network? What's better than watching "The Real World" and blogging?

Ultimate laziness, my friend.

12:59 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

You just can't beat laptops. Glad to see you're back.

2:02 PM  
Blogger cmhl said...

yayyyy!! I admit, I spend wayyy too much time on my computer now that I have a laptop. vegging in the recliner w/ the laptop in my lap. it doesn't get much better than that, folks..

8:26 PM  
Blogger Noala said...

uugghh I envy you not in the least ... getting a new computer up to 'usability' status, installing all the stuff you're used to having..

Nice to have a new one though :)

7:53 AM  
Blogger Fej said...

PJ, Thanks and well, I’m just back in my limited time sense, at least I have a computer again.

C, Hey there now, technical difficulties you know. Which reminds me that I need to reload chat…

Mama Duck, Watch TV and blog? That sounds a bit over my head right now but I am really liking my laptop.

Diva, Thanks also, how are things? ( I suppose I’d know if I were reading blogs again…)

Cmhl, I’m already thinking I need a wireless hub, I almost stretched the cable line out to the living room just to get my dang kids out of my room so I could get my reading done, yep, I’m already thinking of “excuses”.

Trisha, Hey to you too! I tried to post a comment to your blog tonight but it doesn’t like my new computer, or me, or what I said or something. I just want you to know that R and the alphabet is great new.

Noala, it has been a lot of work so to speak. And I still want to get my old one working so I can get a few kids off of my new one. We’ll see how that goes.


12:09 AM  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

good one jeff... i've been away for a while, just trying to catch up with everybody and everything... a real cramp to see that you can't get your trusty PC up and running but a laptop is a worthy alternative... have a mac powerbook but with all sorts of issues before i can get my wireless connection going... sigh...

keep well, will get back to you soon...

2:49 PM  
Blogger Whisper said...

Laptops, nother world out there, but still helpful. Let us see how it treats you.

4:10 PM  

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