Friday, September 16, 2005

And Cue the Weekend...

It’s finally Friday night. I have the kids tonight unlike the last several Friday evenings. My ex has been having them stay over and even been hanging out with them for a while on Saturday's too. Definitely a new one for them and me. I haven’t been out for beer or anything, I’ve just been going home and enjoying what little alone time my insane animals will allow me. I can throw a cat (literally) out of my room and feel somewhat satisfied afterwards. It’s not that I wouldn’t actually toss one of my children out of my room it’s that they would enjoy it. Then they would want to do it over and over again...

You know what? I just don’t have all that much to say. I’m not even sure what that says about my life, but something I’m sure. Things aren’t bad, busy of course, but I’m focused on staying on top of things, I’m not letting the usual chaos get to me and well… I guess that’s about it.

Have a good weekend everyone. I’ll try too also.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

they would just want to do it over and over again. LOL! Witty blog! I love it!

6:04 AM  
Blogger Chip said...

funny, I love cats and I like our cat but there is something very satisfying about throwing a cat out of a room... Have a good weekend!

8:17 AM  
Blogger cmhl said...

that whole "boneless" feeling that cats have is pretty satisfying.. hope you are having a good weekend..

8:57 AM  
Blogger Mama Duck said...

Yup, day late, dollar short as usual, that's me.

Hope your weekend was great!

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - I had 4 cats on my bed last night - I would love to be able to throw them off but I can't bring myself too ;-)

1:50 AM  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

hahaha.... you have insane animals AND kids... you are truely blessed ;-)
(oh btw, i do too...)

12:42 PM  

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