Friday, June 30, 2006


I went through with my nasal surgery after all. I could have had legitimate excuses and easily justified pushing it out a few weeks more. But I didn’t. It wasn’t any fun. Not even a little bit. I can’t say I’ve been in all that much pain, discomfort yes, and well let’s just leave it at I experienced one of the most disgusting things in my life just a couple days ago. But I returned to work just 3 days later. It will be another week or so before I really know if it has helped much. My fingers are crossed…

I spent a weekend in Chicago recently with the very woman that I was infatuated with some years ago. The trip itself was business related but the stay through the weekend was a prime example of ironic and unexpected fortunate circumstances. I don’t know what that means but it sounds right. I didn’t expect to go, I wanted very much to go, I fully expected not to go, and more importantly than the former, I didn’t expect her to ask me to stay through the weekend.

No, none of that sort of stuff happened. It was just a really fun weekend with someone that I think I get along really well with. I feel pretty comfortable saying she feels the same way. I know, so why aren’t we moving forward with things? We’ve been hanging out since then even more. It’s complicated. Those of you who have been around here awhile should know that few things come into my life without complications. She is a welcome complication. And one that might not ever be more than just a friend. I’m just going to leave it at that.

Oh, and just incase you think I’ve had a lack of crazy recently: My ex’s ex boyfriend finally got out of jail, has been in contact with me to get his stuff back (because she has a restraining order against him) and the one day and time we finally can meet, who is with me? Yes, this woman. I had already informed her that I had crazy in my life. After a few questions about why he went to jail she was okay being in the car while I met with him. It went fine.

Sometimes I think that if my life were simple, I wouldn’t enjoy it as much as I do. But I still wonder…



Blogger Noala said...

Oh my god - he posted!

5:48 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

It's good to hear from you again and know that things are going well for you.

11:19 PM  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

good to hear from you jeff... i'm running badly behind and running the rapids myself at the moment, but i'm glad to read the quiet optimism in your post...

it doesn't matter what you do, life gets complicated anyhow, the trick is how to minimise the damage and stress-levels :D

catch you around... keep well :D

2:00 PM  

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