Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hold On, Wait, Okay... Now Things are Still Unclear

Sunday’s event never came. Not for the lack of a legitimate cause but at the same time nothing else has happened since either. Ironically or maybe appropriately I find my recent dating experience with someone who has more difficulty getting time alone than even I did a few months ago.

Always the eternal optimist I had not cast this opportunity aside, but I was kind of figuring nothing more was to come of it. Then, she calls as I’m typing this up. Go figure. Yes, I indeed have found a woman who can both match and potentially outperform me when it comes to lifetime drama. Again, go figure.

I do like talking to her though. She seems to enjoy the same. Life throws its curves and I’m thinking that a situation where things are forced to develop slowly might actually be the most appropriate for my first “out of wife” experience in over 15 years.

I’ll try to keep you all posted on things as they develop.



Blogger Evan said...

I really hope it works out for you sir.

7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff - nice to see you still posting. Hope things work out. "Out of wife experience" - LOL ;-)

12:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like an interesting match, keep us posted indeed!

12:59 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

well good luck with that one. Dating is always such a chore!

9:17 PM  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

jeff... just go with the flow, take things as they come and try not to let your perceptions and expectations get in the way...

i'm serious... these are the things that wreck a relationship at our age, just relax and try to empathise (and hope she does too...)

keep well...

2:07 PM  

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