Thursday, October 20, 2005

Short Timer

I could just about use a set of 3 x 5 index cards at this point. I’ve had to retell where, why, what I’ll be doing, etc. so many times that I’m starting to mess it up. Don’t get me wrong, the last two weeks have been two of the best I’ve ever had while working.

No pressure, no stress, very little to worry about at all. This is not to say that things have gone all that smoothly either. Parts I need to make a last shipment have been really slow coming through the line, there have been problems overseas, and I keep remembering all these other things I need to do before I leave.

It’s sad that our atmosphere has reached this low point but I’m practically getting “high fived” walking down the hall by people who are just happy to see someone leave voluntarily.

While one the one hand it’s a little repetitive giving the same story over and over again, I don’t necessarily get tired of it. I need cards just because I have to change the story up a little bit depending on who I’m talking too.

Former/current boss: “I’m not all that excited about leaving it’s just that this was such a great opportunity for me.”

Peer: “Well, I hope you get out of here soon too. I’ll pass your resume around once I’m a little more established. Good luck, I hope they start taking better care of you guys.”

Operator on the line: “Screw this place, they’ve been screwing us for years, I’m out of here!”

Tomorrow, I get to have my going away luncheon and I don’t have a speech prepared. Maybe I’ll save that for happy hour after work. I’m sure I’ll have something much more interesting to say after a few drinks in me and my audience.



Blogger Evan said...

There is very little more satisfying than leaving a job you dislike. Well done sir.

5:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you can't wait for all that nonsense to be over. Soon you'll be free of it all and there are better things on the horizon for you! (That kinda sounded like a palm reader) :)

7:06 AM  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

damn... ends and new beginning can be sad but totally worthwhile.. follow your intuition, it's a wonderful guide, if you know how to listen...

keep well

3:27 PM  

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