Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Nothing New Here

Almost a week later but I’m back. Well, I’m still here. I never really went anywhere I just haven’t been updating at all.

But just ask me what THC is? No. Not that one, I meant Thermohaline Circulation of course. And what about anthropogenic forcing? Yes, that is the sort of thing I’ve been concerned with lately. That and oh … I don’t know, 28 lunches a week, all sorts of homework assistance that isn’t even mine, ailing grandparents, and there is something else I’m pretty sure… Oh yes, my job. Almost forgot about that one.

After purchasing a BIOS upgrade, new hard drive, and spending a lot of rather precious free time working on my old PC, it’s still not working. Hmm. It’s probably just me. The error messages are approaching ludicrous. I really don’t want to have to solicit professional (paid) help. Remember in the movie Office Space, where they take the copy machine into the empty lot? That’s where my old PC and I are headed next…

And to end things on a lighter note, excerpts from a phone call I had this evening:

Me: “Hello?”
My Ex-wife’s Boyfriend From Jail Pay Phone: “Do you know where (ex-wife) has been?”
Me: “She told me she was going to the hospital yesterday and that’s the last I’ve heard from her.”
MEXBFJPP: “Oh, I was worried about her. She’s been visiting twice every week and then lately nothing. She sent me a card for my birthday (he really sounded touched) but I haven’t seen her this week.”
Me: “Well, I think she is in the hospital. She didn’t tell me this was going to be an extended stay but I guess it is.”
MEXBFPP: “Okay, I was just wondering….” And then he goes off to explain all about why he was in jail again, and how he screwed up, and how much he appreciated my help, and that was the gist of it.

Yup, things are pretty much normal around here. I hope you all are doing okay too.



Blogger ro said...

28 lunches a week?? Yours?? If so, how's your shoulder?? ;-)

Hey, glad you visited and left your unforgettable mark...I mean, thanks for visiting and commenting. Glad your back, but for goodness sakes, have you considered a Mac?


11:33 PM  
Blogger Fej said...

You remember my shoulder problem... No, just all the school lunches, and I suppose it's closer to just 20. I usually cheat and take them out on the weekends.

9:36 AM  
Blogger paula said...

he called you from jail...

ah, that's just classic!!



10:52 AM  
Blogger Mama Duck said...

No way did your ex-wife's boyfriend call you re: her whereabouts.

I'm still processing this.

If you haven't started you might want to think about writing a book...sounds like you've got some good material!!

12:25 PM  
Blogger != said...

I seriously agree with Ro, you need to get a Mac. :-)

5:50 PM  
Blogger cmhl said...

oh mannnnnn, the ex's boyfriend calling you from jail. that is really something.

and 28 lunches a week!!!!???? are they totally against school lunch?? I casually cajole my offspring into eating school lunch on the "good" days, like pizza day, etc.

5:56 AM  
Blogger Faisal ... said...

Your ex-wife's boyfriend called you from jail!!! You know what, this shows how lucky you are for naot having her near you. By the way you are a real blogger ;-)

6:17 AM  
Blogger Faisal ... said...

You can write a book on that one ;-)

6:18 AM  

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