Thursday, February 17, 2005


Gad. What a busy couple of days. I just barely got use of my computer again to thanks to a research paper we started for my oldest daughter.

So. Yesterday I got this call from a long time friend of my wife’s. Well, long time up until about last September. They had some sort of a falling out that I never really got the details of until yesterday. I’ve know this woman since meeting my wife 14 or so years ago, so we’ve become good friends over the years as well.

I had seen her while driving on my way to pick up the kids after Jury Duty a week or so ago. I tried calling but she didn’t answer her phone so I left her a message just saying to give me a call one of these days. She called while I was on lunch break and I caught her up on how things have been. She asked how my wife was and about my kids. I wasn’t trying to get any info out of her because I never really suspected there was any. As it turns out, the reason they aren’t speaking is because my wife put the “moves” on a guy this friend was seeing at the time.

For whatever reason, my wife and this guy were left alone together for some period of time and must have hit it off. So, her friend cut off her relationship with both of them. Understandable I suppose. I guess she went so far as to try calling my wife again a few months later to try and patch things up. I guess the guy in question wasn’t anything serious anyway. At the time, my wife was too busy with her new boyfriend of that time and so her friend stopped trying.

While this is a somewhat juicy event in it’s own, what is of more importance is the fact that it took this woman so long to tell me about this. How many other events have occurred like it? Yes, I’m starting to put some pieces of the puzzle together. Once piece that doesn’t fit is why all of these people are afraid to tell me what’s going on? Especially when I usually have a pretty good idea in the first place? Okay, not this time, but usually.

I’m hardly any kind of a threat. Come on, I ground the stuffed animals, not the kids! We are getting a divorce. Do these people think that by telling me she is cheating, I’ll change my mind, we’ll get back together and call it off?

Don’t leave your man alone with my wife, for any reason or any length of time. (Unless less he’s a glutton for punishment and infinitely wealthy.)



Blogger Christie E. Little said...

Ok, so I'm soooo not surprised about her hooking up with her best friend's boyfriend. It's par for the course. Don't you think. I think it's the tip of the iceberg. People might just want to save your feelings, because they know how horrible she's been to you. I know that doesn't make you feel any better, though.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Noala said...

I'm with thoughtsgalore - maybe they're trying to protect you.

Maybe, if they know how much you're still helping her, they think you might get back together, but if they tell you about things she's done then that wont happen.

By the way, the temperatures mentioned in my blog are celcius, not farenheit :)

8:08 AM  

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