Sunday, February 27, 2005

Technologically Deprived Children

After peeling myself out of bed this morning I did manage to still make several of my locally famous tortilla omelets. They went over really well.

We needed to go shopping today for jeans. Multiple kids in my household are going through them like paper napkins so we headed off to the mall. I have been somewhat distracted of late, I can’t seem to shake the stupid trial. So our first stop was the school where the teacher was killed.

My kids knew about the basic details of the trial and I had mentioned to them that I couldn’t visit the school until the trial was over. We dropped by today since it’s near the mall. It was completely different than I expected but all at the same time it became exactly the same place that has been occupying my mind for the last month. We just drove around it and I pulled into the parking lot and gazed around. My kids didn’t really ask a lot of questions except they were surprised at first when I told them that the portable classroom she was killed in had been taken away. They had never considered what you do with a classroom after something like that happens.

I’ll hold off on visiting the ditch until I’m alone, or at least without my kids.

One of my 8-year-olds many gifts was a portable CD player with headphones. So when we loaded up the vehicle for our outing today, all three were geared up with headphones and CD players, minus my technically deprived son. He has a Walkman tape player he was given by my wife’s neighbor. He only had one cheesy tape but he played it full blast, both sides and didn’t complain a bit. What a trooper, guess what he’s getting for his birthday? More tapes!! Just kidding of course, he’ll get his own CD player too.

And me? I only got complaints about turning down the car stereo because it was too loud. What a bunch of crap.



Blogger ro said...

Can you share the tortilla omelette recipe? I'm curious...

if not, you can always email me at

10:18 PM  
Blogger Christie E. Little said...

You need to get used to turning down the radio. "Mommy the radio is too loud I can't hear my CD," cry the children.

I must say, though, that the CD player is a much better gift than the sugar cubes. :) We're into all the cds Gotta love the girly girls and their music. The poor boys are just along for the ride.

7:55 AM  
Blogger Shane said...

I haven to say the freakin blogspot really needs a search, id like to search so I wouldnt have to ask what school it was you visited...but alas I cant figure out how to seach others comments/posts yet...hmph. Im curious as I went to elementary, middle and highschool in abq.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Fej said...

Ro, the recipe is pretty simple, just egg and tortilla. I make the egg perfectly round and wrap it in a tortilla. I think the kids just like the shape.

C, just along for the ride.... sheesh.

Shane, it happened at Montezuma Elementary School just off Carlisle and Indian School. I put in a link a couple weeks ago, I'd have to dig for it too.

9:52 PM  
Blogger Shane said...

ahhh thats right, ya knew the link was there somewhere :)

No where near where I went to school(s).

12:48 PM  

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