Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Needed Some Sleep

I guess I really needed some sleep. I was out early last night and up late this morning as well.

I had a messege last night from a teacher that she still hadn't received a permission slip for today's field trip, she had sent home two. Hmm. I never saw them and I'm sure she did send them. We went in early and took care of that problem and my little man is off to the aquarium.

We are planning a trip for this weekend. I had been planning to do this since December actually, but between visitors, jury duty and job interviews it just hasn’t happened. With my cousin being diagnosed with Diabetes I and my parents heading up there this week too, I decided it was time for us to make the trip also. Denver isn’t far from here and my kids are really excited about the trip.

As a bonus, I’ll get to go snowboarding one more time this year and I’m sure we’ll have a great time. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually been to Denver (airports don't count except when I was in Japan, that counted because I stepped on the ground to take a bus :) Only miles from where I was born but... weird isn’t it how easy it is to stay away sometimes?



Blogger Evan said...

DENVER!!! I moved there from Dublin when I was 7 for four years. On our first adventure into the city, I had a vicious nosebleed in the Tabour Centre.

Useless fact #785,437

Have a great time!

11:00 AM  
Blogger Vics said...

I'm beginning to think snowboarding is another of those 'guy' things that I'll never get.
Seriously - my bloke keeps trying to convince me it'll be fun, various friends have thrown in their 2-pennyworths... I just cannot muster up an ounce of enthusiasm for it.
*sigh* ahhh well - you enjoy it honey, s'about time you got a bit of a break!

2:34 PM  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

isn't it funny, sometimes the way back to where you started takes a lifetime of events to realise that what you had in the first place was perhaps all you needed after all...

take care and keep well...

11:27 AM  

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