Monday, May 09, 2005

Despite My Typical Day

My kids might literally need to be dragged out of bed, they can complain about breakfast, they can moan about having to get dressed, they can cry foul the harsh cruelty’s of the educational system (like I care, been there done that), they can forget their shoes and I have to rush to K-Mart and buy a new pair because it’s faster than driving all the way back across town (yes, we did that today).

Traffic can suck, people can’t drive when near me, and I’m always in the right and I know this.

My STBEW(Soon-to-be-ex-wife) can wreck her car, break up with boyfriends, forget about commitments to her kids, and go through roommates like it’s a sport.

Work can be too slow, too fast, too stressful, and layoff too many good friends and co-workers.

The drive home is usually worse, only cause I actually want to get home...

Then, an in-law or two shows up to borrow my computer, laundry is everywhere, my animals are insane and seem to only be intent on leading me down the same path, lunches have to be made, baths are long overdue, hair needs to be combed and blow-dried (not mine of course), and the kids again start complaining of the injustices of the world and bedtimes and school…

Then, when I stumble into their room full of clutter, to turn off the radio, that helps them fall asleep, and they are laying there, so peaceful, and innocent, and breathing…

I forget all the other crap, and I’m eternally grateful for the wonderful children I have.

Stupid kids.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a great post! it is moments like that when you realize what a gift kids are.

5:56 AM  
Blogger Christie E. Little said...

Now that was sweet. It is all worth it, isn't it. They're precious, even when they're driving us crazy. :)

6:03 AM  
Blogger Lori said...

I'm not sure I agree with their being precious even when they're driving us crazy comment. lol But I have older kids and am still in I'll wait till you guys catch up! LOL

Jeff...that was cool. And I laughed outloud when I read the final sentence. Stupid kids.

And yeah...when they sleep they are the most lovable!

7:24 AM  
Blogger Panthergirl said...

My grandfather used to say:

'Kids...they-a so cute-a when they asleep!"

2:16 PM  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

hi jeff, me's not totally with it here at the moment (read blog), but wondering if YOU're coping with the excessive load on your hands... kids are lovely and worth their weight in gold, but the input, attention and care should be shared...

let me know, i'm wondering, apprehensive and just damn curious i guess...

cheers, bart

3:04 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

That was just, like, the *best* post.


9:14 PM  
Blogger Carol Davidson said...

Excellent post.

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post! Yeah, people don't know how to drive when they're near me either...still there is much to be thankful for ;-)

10:06 PM  

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