Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Not much to talk about

I've been having a tough time lately coming up with stuff to talk about. The news is certainly not boring but I guess I'm just not up to remarking about anything right now.

This is all a drag to read about I'm sure, but it seems to help me to talk about it. There are so many other things I could be focusing on right now; it's just depressing to not feel like doing anything. I feel like I have a pretty good handle on the issues that are bringing me down, but understanding what is wrong is just a step. I want to move on... with a lot of things in my life right now. It seems like everything is working against me, but I suppose that's a common feeling when you are down.

I think I'm just looking forward to the weekend right now. To want time to fly by just so you can get past something, or to wish it was weeks later from now... It just seems wrong to wish your own life away because of some speed bumps. Okay, they are pretty big speed bumps but if you hit enough of them, eventually you know exactly how fast to take them and then they don't seem so bad.

That last paragraph really emphasizes that I need to just go to bed.



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