Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Privacy...Not in this house.

If nothing else, my kids will remember me for teaching them that privacy is a privilege, not a right. As they do to me on a daily basis, I just walked in on my oldest daughter pulling up her pants after using the bathroom. Just like me, she also forgot to close the door in my own bathroom! I leveled the situation though by reminding her of the fact that I changed her diapers for the first two years of her life.

She ran out with a red face but laughing.



Blogger brokenangel said...

My daughter will be 6 next month and I haven't gone to the bathroom or showered by myself in almost 6 years. She always needs something out of the bathroom while I am in there. And there are 3 other bathrooms in the house! I think it is a parents curse that privacy is relinquished when the child is born. Renada on the other hand is mortally wounded if I knock on the door when she is in there. The door DOESN'T swing both ways in this situation.

6:59 AM  
Blogger Shane said...

Hmmm so I can look forward on intruding on my kiddos privacy at will. Actually ive been recording a ton of "bribe material" of her doing cute silly things for years now, boy that first "real" boyfriend is certainly going to have fun watching all the home videos *evil grin*

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, I've tried the changing diapers line on both my kids but it doesn't seem to carry much weight these days...

3:47 AM  

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