Sunday, June 05, 2005

We're back anyway.

I wish I could say I picked up a 4-wheeler and made it to the cabin without any stress, but I would so be lying my ass off. There was stress. Lot’s of it.

First, I researched kids size ATV’s extensively last week. Looked at a few on Thursday evening and had decided on one by Friday at lunch. That turned into a two-hour + lunch because you apparently can’t just pick out a bike and buy it. No. It’s like buying a car only worse. You get to waste several hours of your life over a kid’s toy, which they pump off a production line like popcorn, haggling over the price. This is ludicrous. This is a damn commodity, you shouldn’t have to bargain over a commodity, and if I offend anyone, sorry but this is just stupid. If you make you living off of this stupid crap, prepare to get a new job if I ever get as rich as Bill Gates because I will put an end to this B.S. deep breaths…

Then, my wife decides to go up this weekend also. She has a lifetime pass to the cabin because of my grandfather. This is fine with me but I just try to make it up at different times than her. She spent a lot of time with him after my grandmother died and he is forever grateful to her for that time. I have no issue with this at all. Unless she tries jumping into bed with me during the middle of the night. That did not go well and I hope that this experience helps her to realize that we are over.

Tonight was fine, up until a little while ago. Our hamster has a problem. It looks really bad and the kids are really sad. The vet doesn’t have an exotic animal doctor in tonight so I might be taking her in tomorrow.

Despite it all, the weekend was okay. The kids loved the ATV, especially my son, who has already learned to do donuts and wiped out a couple times. Yes, I did increase the throttle limiter, but he just got more creative. He’s only six.


Update: The hamster died just before the kids were supposed to go to sleep. It was teary night for all of them and a late one for me.


Blogger Diane said...

Wow, a whole lot to comment on in this one post. I'm glad you made it home safely. I'm really sorry about your hamster.

And this:
"Unless she tries jumping into bed with me during the middle of the night. That did not go well and I hope that this experience helps her to realize that we are over. "

For real? I'm sorry you had to go through that.

7:10 PM  
Blogger Fej said...

Diva, yes, for real. I sleep really, really, deeply. I didn't know what the heck was going on for a while, then I figured it out.

Nothing happened, but that was the significant part.

11:21 PM  

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