Monday, June 06, 2005

Just another day.

After dragging three sleepy and weepy kids out of bed I drove them to their mom’s for the day. I went to work. I had plenty to do, but none of which I actually wanted to work on. This little issue is only getting worse.

For lunch, I ate what I left in the fridge at work on Friday, I’m just glad I remembered it was there. I then went to the bank, got gas at Costco and then drove 52 miles round-trip to check on my friend’s fish. He is out of town and asked me to watch his house until Thursday. Then, I went back to work.

I was supposed to have my first outdoor soccer game of the summer season tonight, but it was my niece’s birthday party. There was going to be plenty of people around so I planned on cutting out early. My dad was with my grandfather at the hospital though, I guess he has had a setback of some sort. He’s only 91. My mom and sister are terrified of operating a grill so I stuck around to cook up the feast. It all went fine.

My wife had apparently given my younger daughter permission to go to a sleep over so I drove her over there after the party. My nephew somehow ended up with us and will stay the night. He joined in the crying session they all had as we had a rather solemn but teary burial of the hamster.

Warning to parents: For those of you who haven’t, don’t pick up a rather evil hamster, befriend it and tame it, and then let it or rather let your children become totally attached to it. Because then it will slowly die, right in front of their sad little eyes. Yes, last night was just a riot.

On a lighter note: I approached my dad and my son some distance from the cabin this weekend, my son had been calling for help. There stood my son, unharmed, way cute in that little helmet, but looking rather mischievous. My dad was questioning him on just how the ATV made it over the rather large log and then into the tree that he had just pulled it out from under. My son had no real believable explanation but after the interrogation, we were unable to rule out excessive speed. Despite my having just increased the throttle limiter screw. Then, after my Dad tells me he also pulled my son out of the tree, he looks at me and says with a really proud smile, “Dad. I flew!



Blogger Carol Davidson said...

Wow. Big mix of different emotions there. Hang in there...

12:24 AM  
Blogger Christie E. Little said...

You already know what I am going to say regarding the "I just flew" comment. LOL! You are sooooo bad!

Note to you...hamsters are rodents. Yes my friend, they are. Rodents should not ever be in the home, let alone as pets. I'm sorry those sweet little ones cried and were sad...but get them another pet not in the rat family. Ugh. I get the shivers just thinking of it! ICK ICK ICK.

You are such a good dad, though. Did you bury or trash the rat cousin. :)


11:20 AM  
Blogger Mama Duck said...

God bless the little hamster who is probably shedding Kleenexes til his heart's content in Hamster Heaven.

That must be some fish for you to have driven 52 miles to check on him. Baracuda? Parrot fish? Something very cool and totally exotic?

6:25 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

boys! you gotta love em! *laughs at "Dad, I flew"

After another hour long search of our escape artist houdini the hamster....I finally found her under a pile of freshly chewed carpet fuz! The little shit! She should be glad I didn't bury her with yours yesterday!!!

5:55 AM  

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