Saturday, June 25, 2005


Okay. I really need to return my dad’s propane weed torch attachment to him. I don’t have much in the way of weeds in my back yard but I set my fence on fire again. I may have to replace some fence planks this time as it burned them pretty good. You can see it from the neighbor’s side too. Then I scorched the side of my shed also. Whoops.

On the plus side I made some major headway in my back yard. I just need to get some rock put in and finish cleaning stuff up and it will look like a halfway decent yard. I filled in one of the “giantic” (as my younger kids called it) holes they dug finally too. I will have to leave one area of dirt for them to dig and play in though, they just love that of course.

I had to use a credit card to pay for my groceries this evening, as my check card wasn’t working. That seemed odd. I called to find out I had a whopping $2 available and then heard that a $750 ATM deposit was pending. WTF? My money is gone but someone is depositing money in my account. I called and confirmed it wasn’t my wife, her depositing money in my account would shock me more then someone fraudulently taking it out. Oh yeah. She lost her wallet. I forgot to call and cancel her card to our account. She loses her wallet every week or so and I was going to give it a few days before canceling it. This saves a lot of trouble with the bank normally but this time I guess she really did lose it.

When I got home I did confirm that someone withdrew my remaining cash at a gas station. I don’t know what to think of the ATM deposit but if it’s legitimate I could get used to that sort of fraudulent activity more often. I really don’t need any help emptying out my checking account, I can do that just fine on my own.



Blogger Jakob said...

Gardening work, check card hassles, and good-natured marital peeves. Only 32? Are YOU sure?

2:19 AM  
Blogger Christie E. Little said...

Ok, so I'm thinking you get the card cancelled and put in a dispute. So, they give you all the money back. Ugh! I can't even believe it. Ugh. I'm thinking she loses her purse/wallet more than anyone I've ever heard. Hmmmm. Get the picture of who used it at the atm.

Ok ok...i'll be quiet. I just can't believe it. Oh and let me more fire for you!

Hmmm i'm thinking trixie is fake! LOL.

12:58 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

MUAHAHAHHAHAHHA Christie I think you are soooooo right about Trixie! LMAO

Ok Jeff, put the torch down and back away NOW! lol You are hilarious.

And what's up with the ex and her wallet? And if you guys are seperated why the heck are you still connected like that. Change your accounts man!

6:24 AM  
Blogger Vics said...

Aye Jeff, I'm with the rest of 'em - change your accounts - it may mean a bit of hassle now, but better than a LOT of hassle later.
She's not your responsibility anymore.

But before you give back the flame thingy... can I borrow it?

7:05 AM  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

haha... a weed torch, great stuff. Just need to find me some weeds to get the pyromaniac in me up and running ;-)

How about cancelling your card(s) AFTER a deposit? (does it work that way?)

3:23 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

A propane weed torch eh? I had no idea. That could be *so* much fun, not for weeds though.

Geez, sorry about the check card thing, that's rough. I hope you're able to get it straight without too much hassle.

9:43 PM  

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