Monday, January 24, 2005


The drama-meter is pretty low right now. The drama-potentialometer is pegged to the limit however. Things could blow any which way or nothing might happen at all.

On Saturday my wife called to get my advice. She suspects her current roommate’s (her ex-boyfriends ex-friend and roommate) ex-wife stole one of my wife’s checkbooks and made new checks with the same account numbers. The fake checks did happen I’m just not sure they can be 100% it was his ex-wife that did it. I saw copies of the false checks so I believe that fraud did occur. The good thing is that our bank reversed a number of the charges but she’ll have to pursue the other creditors directly to try to get the return check fees removed. The other good thing is that this was her personal account and not our shared one.

The main reason she called me on Saturday was to see if I agreed she should tip the police about her roommate’s ex-wife. Apparently this isn’t the first time she has done something like this. My wife’s main concern was that this woman has a history of this stuff and tends to get just a bit dangerous when confronted. I can only hope that the stories she told me were really as inflated as they sounded.

I explained that I didn’t think it was my wife’s job to take this woman down, when the charges we might have to pay are probably not worth the potential trouble this might cause. The main thing that stuck out in my mind was that my wife has lost her purse a number of times over the last few years including when it was stolen from her car just last summer. How could she be so sure this particular woman was responsible?

I was playing with my own finances a bit today and had to make a trip to the bank near my kid’s school. I just happened to notice an apartment complex nearby that looked pretty nice. I absently thought to myself that it would be convenient if my wife would move there, the kids would be in-district and it could make a lot of things much easier for everyone.

When I called her this afternoon she told me that she had an eviction warning notice. This was due to having the police show up(harmlessly enough because she and the kids were roughhousing, they can be sooo loud together, my kids verified the incident in detail), an unauthorized tenant (her roommate) and reports of yelling and domestic disturbances. The main domestic disturbance occurred when her ex-boyfriend moved out. I planted the seed about the apartments I saw and she is sounding pretty excited about it right now.

I’m just trying to remember now, why we decided my wife should move out in the first place...?



Blogger Kat said...

"drama-potentialometer is pegged to the limit" I know exactly what you mean. A friend of mine routinely spins hers out of control. I loved that.

But I feel like I should send you some battle armor or call the fire department for you. If it starts to tick...definitely run for cover.

11:48 PM  
Blogger Vics said...

Sheesh Fej - The bird sounds like a complete and utter nightmare How someone can be so patently useless at running her own life...? I'm sorry but *jaw hangs loose as the mind boggles*

What kills me even more is the fact that you seem to be the one paying for it all - I can understand why you're maybe thinking it'd be cheaper if she moved back in... but just leave it as a stray thought huh? I may have to head over to the states just to scream "Noooooooooooooo!!!" at you through various octaves if you don't.

3:22 AM  
Blogger Fej said...

Thanks Kat, I may need armor at some point, hopefully not though.

Vics, I didn't mean to imply that I wanted my wife to move back in, in fact let's make that a Hell No.

Her inability to take care of her own life is exactly why I'm still so involved. You'll just have to take my word that things actually are improving despite how they seem.

You are still welcome to make the trip over here though :)

9:44 AM  
Blogger Diane said...

It sounds like there is never a dull moment. I'm glad you're saying the situation is improving though.

7:49 PM  

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