Wednesday, September 15, 2004


My day was slow until my boss took us out for a beer (during work) and announced he was quitting. Then I was behind but really tired. My kids just wanted to jump on the trampoline and so bad-guy-mean-dad had to rear his ugly head again. Everyone survived and I managed to clean a good portion of the house.

Did I mention that while I’m out of town my house will be used to throw my sister-in-law’s baby shower? She has invited some 40+ people. My kids want to go, my grandfather wants to go, and everyone else but me, wants me to go. I just don’t want my house destroyed and feel I should probably be there.

Tomorrow night my mom has promised to take the kids to the State Fair so nothing will be accomplished then either. I guess I could try to have some fun instead? I just have so much to do and it will cost a fortune I’m sure. The kids will have fun though. That’s it for now.



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