Thursday, April 14, 2005

Back Online

What kind of crap is that? To withhold Internet access to an admitted Internet addict for two days after he gets back from a five-day vacation? That’s a lot of crap is what that is.

Anyhoo, I again have access to my world outside of my reality. I’ll again soon be visiting my blogging friends that I normally do every night. Tonight, I had to finish off homework and dinner and all that other superfluous crapola us parents get sucked into every night. What a racket…

Well, that stuff and a little bit of drama. Okay, a significant bit of drama. I finally received my jury duty check today which ought to cover the rest my wife needs for her bail money. She’s not in jail, but she would be if she shows up to court without it. (Or gets pulled over or something.) Tempting though, isn’t it?

Then, while checking for the odd possibility of getting a message from my prospective employer at home, I get a rather odd voicemail. It turns out to be from my wife’s ex-boyfriend’s, ex-girlfriend whose daughter began dating the same ex-boyfriend, saying that ex-boyfriend has committed suicide. Hmm. That sucks.

I actually got to know him fairly well prior to things falling apart here. She moved out, he moved in with her, they had their time together, broke up, he started dating his ex-girlfriends daughter, etc., etc. You know, the usual story.

So, I pay to relieve them both of their lease debt this January, she blows it off completely and he off’s himself. He wasn't a bad guy, he had been dealt a tough hand, never was quite able to deal with it, and had several other traumatic events/conditions happend to him as well. That’s much too simplified but way too much to go into now, or probably ever here.

Just another day here.



Blogger Christie E. Little said...

How hard is it to just go to court on the right day at the right time? Hmmm now that's a concept even for the most simplest of people.

Never a dull moment. I know you'd love a dull moment about right now. How's your list :)

7:19 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Maybe you should contact Jerry Springer? He would love all that drama on his show. ..and wait a minute. Let's back up a sec.
YOU paid to relieve them both of their lease debt...
How come?

1:51 PM  
Blogger Fej said...

C, You'd think it wouldn't be that hard to remember... My list? What list?:)

Suzanne, I'm surprised Jerry hasn't called by now. Yes, I paid. She is broke and well, as you can see things weren't going all that well for him either. They kept calling me...

2:55 PM  
Blogger Christie E. Little said...

You need a little super hero of your own over there to nudge you along and keep you on task! LOL.

3:01 PM  

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