Wednesday, April 13, 2005

New List

We had a great trip to Colorado. The kids and I were able to see a lot of relatives, cousins I haven’t seen in years, and overall just had a great vacation. Getting snowed in on Sunday was fabulous and none involved were disappointed to say the least. My uncle was a little concerned however that his wine supply might run low if the weather kept up but on Monday things cleared up just fine.

My cousin who was recently diagnosed with Diabetes I is doing very well. He is still dealing with the shock of it all but he is staying on top of it, appears to be in very good spirits, and is watching his diet like a hawk. I’ve since learned that he would be dead if he had not been in such good health to begin with. Scary.

Anyhoo, I’m back from a great vacation. I have many things that need to be done:


Yard work – big time


Car maintenance


New Job? – Call them Mr. Procrastinator, it’s been 5 weeks.

Deal with whatever comes of that call.

Get bail money for my wife, she’s got another bench warrant for missing traffic court again.

Did I already mention hiring a lawyer and divorce?

Clean. Forever.

Shit or get off the pot, on all the above. Yeah just after I finish blogging.

If my Internet access is ever restored, you just might read this too.



Blogger Christie E. Little said...

Look who's back! What an adventure you had. NO wonder you only go on vacation once every 10 years. :)

Welcome home and happy


11:47 AM  
Blogger Christie E. Little said...

PS...almost forgot..OMG to all your wife crap. You need to get on that. Plus...oooze oooze oooze..just had to make you laugh. You soooooo know it's true!

11:49 AM  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

Good to hear you had such a good time. Bit hairy though once the alcohol supply starts to run out :P

Procrastinator? I thought that was MY middle name... as they say
"One of the greatest labor-saving inventions of today is tomorrow."

2:22 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

So I take it you have wireless access in your house? Or just a really long cord to the bathroom....

8:03 PM  
Blogger Carol Davidson said...

Welcome back! My internet access via comcast has been ______'ing me over big time for the past week. I think their national DNS servers keep going down. At any rate, I love those pictures. Beautiful.

9:57 AM  

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